Saturday, August 2, 2008

Blueberry pickn'

We went to Farmer Johns this morning to pic blueberries.. This field was right by where we were picking.. It was beautiful.
Kia is not quite tall enough for this shot.. She was not to happy with all the blades touching her.
We ended up with 5 pounds of blueberries.. I am going to freeze most of them for the winter.. I am going to try and make some blueberry muffins from scratch today! Todd loves blueberry muffins!! We will see how they turn out!!
Kia was determined to carry my bucket I had been holding. She did a good job for about half the row.. Then she wanted me to carry her! LOL
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1 comment:

The McAuleys said...

Oh, I have the best blueberry muffin recipe if you need one!