Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Turkey Day... Comin up..

My friend Kirstin sent me this link on how to make turkey's out of oreo's... So I picked up all the stuff today to make them. My friend Tina came over to have lunch and a play date.. Needless to say,, she did not know we were about to try the impossible!! Having candy out and having the kiddo's help us with these.. Hmmm... I would have to say this might be a craft for more like 4 or 5 year olds... But they can get the "feathers" on by themselves, but everything else they needed a little help with.. Ian and Eva made one, then they were all pretty much shoveling as much candy in their mouths as they could.. :) Tina and I did the rest of them..

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.. Have a safe holiday!
Love, The Brandon's
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Monday, November 24, 2008

Kiara's cake..

This was not the easiest cake to do!! It took forever to complete!! But when Kia came through the door and saw the horses in the corral.. it made all the hard work worth it.. All she wanted to do was eat cake!! forget the party.. Eat cake!! LOL

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Kia's Birthday

Kiara turned 2 this week. Her party was a horse theme. We played one game.. Pin the horse in the corral.. Todd made them game for me.!! We printed up all the decorations and glittered them all up. :)
Kia and her horse cupcake.
She was just dying to get a hold of the horse and eat it!!

She enjoyed opening her gifts this year. She got plenty of horses.. and Bell and Bell's horse!!

Kiara had a great time.. She did not take a nap all day and she actually stayed up till bedtime!!
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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kia's big birthday surprise

Daddy's surprise for Kia

Todd arranged for us to go and meet "Dee" for Kiara's birthday. This horse belongs to one of Todd's co-workers. Her name is Tanya and her daughter Kayla actaully is the rider of the horse, and her son also rides. They were all super nice to let us come out and get to know Dee.
We had stopped and picked up two carrots (we were not sure if we would be able to feed the horses) but Tanya had brought a huge bag of carrots with her.. so the girls were set for feeding all the horses.

It is such a beautiful day today.. it was the perfect day to go out and meet the horses.
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Daddy's surprise for Kia

It was time to groom the horse.. Both girls got to brush "Dee" out.
I was watching Kia like a hawk.. It made me a little nervous, ok it made me a lot nervous for her to be so close to the horse and down low.. but this horse is really, really old.. And after awhile I relaxed a bit.. Kia and Eva did great.
Both girls enjoyed feeding the "Dee"

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Daddy's surprise for Kia

Eva got to hop on first just so we could see how it went. She did great. We just stood back and watched.. She was in heaven!

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Daddy's surprise for Kia

Kiara's turn to ride the horse.

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Daddy's Surprise for Kia

What a great Birthday suprise for Kiara.. She loved every minute of it.
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Kiara's first hair cut

Yes, the pink corvette is back.. She picked it out.. Not me!!! I thought she was going to go for the jeep, but then decided on the pink corvette. She got to watch Beauty and the Beast while she got her hair cut..
She got to choose her own clip to put in her hair..

What a cutie with her new hair cut!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This year was the first time for the girls to trick or treat door to door. We headed over to our good friends "The Kelley's" to have pizza. The Sitton's joined us also.. Then after dinner we headed out to trick or treat around Tina's area. O'boy Eva was really into it.. She was running from house to house. We ended up walking I think a little over 2 miles..
The girls dressed up as ballerinas. I can not believe I actually got Kia's hair up in a bun.. She has so much product in that hair it stayed up even when I took the hair tie out later that night!! They both have dragonfly's in there hair..

Everyone looked very cute.. Chase and james were Nights and a dragon. And Ainsley and Ian were garden Gnomes. Very cute idea tina.. She made them by hand!! My hats off to you.. Your Awesome!!
How I love halloween!! Next year hopefully I will be ready to have our annual harvest party!!
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