Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sickies at the Brandon's

The sickness that has been going around hit our house this month with a vengeance. Kia has been sick the longest. I got it next and with being pregnant it has been very hard for me to shake it. Todd got for a very short time. He was able to take meds to get rid of it fast. Eva was the last to get it, but it does not seem too bad. I am not a tea drinker, but when I am sick (to try to avoid ear infections) I start drinking it all day long. I get the non-caff. kind so I can drink it all day! A few days ago Kia tried some and now everytime she sees I am heating up water she is ready to have some. I now make two cups at a time, or she will drink all of mine!

Hopefully by the end of the week we will all feel 100% better!!
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Valentine's Day

The morning of Valentine's day started with me draging my sick self our of bed to make heart pancakes! (what we do for our kids, sorry Todd! poor man got nothing!!) The girls loved the pancakes as always.
Then to their surprise I pulled out the hidden valentine gifts I had gotten the night before in a rush before date night at the church.

After resting for most of the day, the girls needed to get out of the house. So we decided to go to the movies!! Kia did great. They both loved the movie. We went and saw Coraline. Then home it was and I crawled back into bed to get some more needed rest. Thank goodness Todd was home Sunday and monday, cause I spent most of that time in the bed or one trip to the Dr's!!
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Friday, February 13, 2009


Today we went to the Hillside Manor in McMinnville with our MOPS friends. It is a retirement home. Everyone got to hand out Valentine cards that we had made earlier this week.
It was very sweet to see all the kids handing out their cards with smiles.
And then ofcourse when there was no more cards in our bag, Kia had to find a place for the bag to go.!! ON her head.
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This Tuesday we woke up to snow.. Again!! the girls were excited to watch it snow.. I on the other had was not pleased to see it! I am still recovering from the three weeks of snow in December. I would be just fine if it did not snow again till next winter. But it was very entertaining for the girls to watch it snow all morning till preschool. Thank goodness they did not cancel preschool.

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Muffin tin Monday's make a comeback!

I have not done a muffin tin Monday in a long time.. We needed to spice up the lunch meal. So on the menu was grape tomatoes, carrots, ranch, strawberries, cheezits and bagels with cream cheese. It was a hit! I used cupcake papers to make it a little different.

We can not get enough strawberries in this houes.. I have to ration them or the girls will eat the entire container in one sitting.!
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