I had my 13 week appointment today.. It was suppose to be a 12 week appt, but we were on vacation last monday. Better late then never! I had an ultra sound before seeing David. The ultra sound tech was great. She took her time and showed me everything she could. I don't think it hit me till today that I am going to have another baby! The ultra sound is what did it. Before now it has just looked like a jelly bean. Today, though, I got to see so much of this baby. It moved around so much. Hands were by its head and mouth. And at the very end I got to see it open its mouth and move the fingers close to or into its mouth. AMAZING! I was so thrilled to be able to see all of that today. Heart beat is strong at 150.
Today I am on cloud 9.. What a great day! My next appointment is in 4 weeks with another ultra sound.. A pretty big one at this point. I cant wait.. they should be able to tell me the sex of the baby for sure at this next one!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
Great ultra sound pic! How exciting for you guys. Can't wait for the verdict next month:)
yay! Did they have a guess??!! I saw a playgroup mom who had her 12 week appointment today and they told her she was having a girl. They got Ellis' gender right at her 12 week! What did they say?!!
Oh, How exciting....it is amazing how much they grow and change in just a few weeks, it truly is a miracle!
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