After we ate breakfast we were ready to open the office doors.. The girls were clueless.. They had no idea what was behind the door! And that is why I love putting the tree and gifts in the office. I know it wont last long.. Eva is about at the age were she will catch on and head right for the office christmas morning.. but we are loving it while it lasts.

As they ran for the santa gifts they both screamed in delight.. It was awesome.

Eva hopped right on her new scooter..

Kia loves her new house and all the dolls that are just her size.
Do you see Eva was not letting the scooter get to far away from her.. as she played with there tea set that is for both of them.

And now the madness begins.

The Princess doll stuff was from Grandpa mac.. Kia and Eva both got these. Thanks Grandpa

Look at Kia.. WOW what a morning. She is just laying there is toy overload!! LOL

It was a great Christmas.. I cant wait to do it with three kids!! It will really be a mad house then.
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