Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bread or Cookies??

So I was in the baking mood today. I made some sugar cookies to practice decorating. Then I made several colors of royal icing. Then I looked at my bananas in the fruit basket and boy did they look sad.. To sad to eat. So I decided to make banana bread. Now this is something I can do in my sleep. Todd loves my banana bread. Well I remembered I had chocolate chips also,,, So I thought.. ohhh I will jazz them up and put chocolate chips in them. Well I already had out my baking sheet and silpat and decided to experiment a little. :) I decided to try them in cookie form. And what do you know?!? They turned out great.
I started out with only 6 cookies, just so I would not waste all the batter if they flopped!! Eva volunteered to be my guinea pig and she tried the first one!! LOL I also tried one and to my suprise they tasted really good.
Now finding the cooking time took awhile.. I timed it for 10 minutes at first. Then had to keep checking on them every 2 minutes.. In total the baking time is about 18 to 20 minutes for this size.
Now Todd will be the final vote to see if they pass his taste test!!
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1 comment:

Dominique Bjorlin said...

Wow,what a great idea. Especially if you don't have enough bananas to make a whole loaf, you could half the recipe and make cookies instead! I will have to try this some time.