We always head out to Zoey's grave site on Memorial day. The girls got to pick out a balloon and a few items for Zoey's grave. Of course, what else but a princess balloon and a princess doll and a bird. (have not a clue about the bird.. but Eva wanted to give that to her)
They got to help clean up her stone and then decorate it. It was a beautiful morning to do this.
I was doing just fine till we decided to leave. Eva ran out to the grassy area and found two flowers to lay on her stone. Then Kiara was telling her good bye in her sweet voice over and over again as we headed out.. She kept running back to her grave and waving goodbye and telling her she loved her. Then as we drove off both girls were doing it. Very sweet, but a very teary goodbye for Mom!
We love and miss you, sweet baby girl!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago