Friday, December 12, 2008

Last project!! DONE!

Oh my gosh.. when I started this project.. (back in Oct.) I thought it would be easy as pie!! Well I dont make Pie either!! So this one took me forever.. I saw this idea at the portland market.. (why the had childrens books with black leather for adults.. I dont know) but I thought it would be a cute idea for christmas.. I had my work cut out for me.. Poor Eva's was my test one!! It has a lot of "things" wrong with it!! but It still looks ok. I finally had to change how I put them together and the last way worked out beter.. Not sure how long they will hold up!
To put in them I made a travel Felt board. All the tiny itty bitty pieces I had to cut out took FOREVER!! I was sooo very happy when I finished the last cut out. Then came the decorating and embelishing a few of the pieces.
Each set has one girl with about 4 outfits.. and some misc. stuff..
Next year I will remember to take on a little easier projects!! But I cant wait for the girls to open these..
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Tina Kelley said...

Those came out super cute! You little felt board is amazing! Doesn't the Cricut cut felt? You might look into it, it might..

Anyway, job well done my friend!

KC said...

Arent you glad you didnt have to make those for my kids! LOL!!!