Well, Santa decided to stop by the house while the girls were still awake to give them one of there presents. Santa peeked his head by the window and Eva spotted him and went running for the door to let him in.. Kia on the other hand screamed and went running to me, far far away from Santa..

This is the look of a little girl not wanting Santa to come in..
I was shocked at how Eva just went right to Santa and talked with him and gave him a hug.. Ofcourse he did have a present in his hand.. :)
It took Kia a few minutes of getting close then running back to me.. Getting close.. running back.. but ohhhh she wanted that present.. so finally she was brave enough to get close enough to snag the gift then come running back far away from Santa to start opening.. (she kept one eye on Santa though to make sure he was not getting to close)

Oh... Kia was getting brave when she could not get the present open.. She followed her sisters lead and asked Santa for a little help..

Both girls got Tinker bell Jammies with robes that lite up!!

OK.. good try Santa.. That is as far as she got.. Santa was just not going to get a full hug.. She came running back to me..

Both girls watched as Santa had to go deliver gifts to other boys and girls!!Bye Bye Santa.. I am pretty sure Kia was happy to see him go though.. Look at her face!! Too funny..
Later on that night Eva was still talking about Santa and asked if he was coming back.. Kia would look at the door in Horror..
Great pics.. i love that santa came by. i always give new jammies for christmas eve, so that was a cute way for you to do it for your girls. congrats by the way!!! Allie and shannon have those shirts.. but shannon has one that is a little different (little sister)... i am excited for your family!! Stacie
Is that Todd in the Santa suit? Too funny! Kia's facial expressions are priceless!
Yes,, Todd had to go to the grocery store (wink wink) when santa showed up.. The girls had to tell him all about it when he came home!!
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