Thursday, July 16, 2009

J.D.'s Quilt.

Last friday I decided it was time to get JD's quilt done. From start to finish it took not quite 4 hours. Not bad. I kept it pretty simple. And thank goodness I did, because he might be here tomorrow night. I went into the Dr's yesterday for an ultra sound and found out the fluid is low. So I have to return back to the Dr's for another ultra sound tomorrow and if it is still low then off to St. V's we go to have the C-section somtime tomorrow night.

I am loving the brown and blue!! And I love the different textures I picked out.
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Jenny said...

Beautiful! We can't wait to meet the impatient little man:)

The McAuleys said...

It looks great! I will look forward to seeing him on it sometime soon.