Ok.. so we have said the house needs to be painted for about 5 years now.. about the length we have been in this house. This weekend we actually get to paint it! Grandma is coming to pick the kids up Friday and Grandpa is coming up to help paint. We are hoping to get it all painted in one weekend. Please pray this is possible! I do not want this project to last all summer long. I would just cry.
My poor house looks very funny right now.. we have had a hard time choosing a color.. one brown pulls red.. one pulls green. the bottom color is the one we have chosen for the entire house.. the light color will be the trim.. (i think) If I don't change my mind about the trim color in the next 3 days. The house has been pressure washed and all nails taken out.. now we just need to replace one board on the side of the house (when grandpa gets here!) then we will be ready to spray away. it will look so much different.. I will have to dig out a picture of the house when we first bought it.. it had all these shrubs in the front and a tree.. once painted I will post a before and after picture!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
I like the brown color! I don't know why you don't want it to drag out all summer:) Te make it the best ever, you should drag it out for two summers:)
Oh, so jealous. I cannot wait until we have money again someday and can take the ugly siding off and paint our house! It is looking soooooo sad.
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