Monday, June 15, 2009

Park #2

Ok.. so I am not sure what this parks name is.. I forgot to look. I remember going to this park with KC a long long time ago with Dakota, when he was small.. I was shocked to see how much it had grown. It is inSsherwood by the soccer fields. (if that helps)
The girls loved climbing these big cement steps.
I do remember the water feature. Not to big. But just enough for them to splash around on.
Then there was the water sand pit.. Ok.. I was not prepared for this one. I gave up after a few minutes of trying to keep them out of here. I remembered I had clothes in the truck for them to change into. And lets face it.. the messier the more attracted they are to it.
They had a blast.. But after an hour and a half it was getting hot and I was in black capri's and was wilting fast. But, to my suprise they both took naps when we got home. Boy.. I had forgotten how nice it was to have a quiet house for a few hours.. I got a lot done! Depending on the weather.. next week we might just head over to the Willsonville water park!! That one is always fun.
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