Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm squishing up my baby bumble bee...

Won't my Mommy be so proud of me!! Ok.. So Kia did not squish him completely, but she sure got him crammed in that little car pretty good. She brought me this car... crying.. Not sure if she was crying because she could not get him out or because it stung her.. But I really don't think it stung her.
I immediately took it outside to see if it was dead or alive and just left it on the front porch.. The girls lately have had this thing with bringing me every bug they can find outside. We all have seen those big black spiders with the yellow dot on them, they are everywhere around our house.. its the season for them to be out.. I hate them with a passion cause they can jump out at you if you go to squash them. (the swiffer vac is awesome for this task!) anyway.. yup, Kia had one all squashed up in her hand the other day. I could not believe it.. Why is she not scarred of spiders the size of boulders!!
So the poor bubble me got the last ride of his life in a fancy convertible.
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Jenny said...

Hah! How funny!

Tina Kelley said...

Holy cow! That thing is HUGE! Maybe she's gonna be one of the bug scientist.. entomologists or whatever their called.. Start saving for college now Mom and Dad!

Stacie said...

Kia is funny.. be happy they are just bringing you bugs.. could be bigger critters... :)