So. Finally we decide to paint the house after 6 years of being in it. This is a bad picture, sorry, I had only film back then so this a picture of the picture!! As you can see when we bought it, it had all these bushes and a tree in the yard. I hated all of that! Plus I dont think you could call a bunch of weeds a yard!!
This is what the house looked like on Friday afternoon. We had to finish up prep with taping and sealing up some seams. And we had to pray for good weather. But no such luck. It rained that night.
But lucky for us it stopped that morning. We waited till about noon to start painting. My Dad came to help out.. He really comes prepared.. He had the sprayer and a suit and hat just for painting.. we had to make fun of him all day in that suit!! Before we could start we had a few more things to tape off. Then my dads spayer would not work.. I was getting very emotional and stressed because those who know me, know I hate to start anything and not finish it!! I could not see me having tape on my windows for a month with no paint on the house. So It was time to turn on the "Matt Signal" and get my brother over to the house. We ended borrowing a friends paint sprayer, then my dads sprayer started to work. So we were able to have two sprayers going at once. Poor Todd had to get on the roof and run the sprayer. The only time he got to use it! We, or I should say they, had the whole house painted (body at least) done in 3.5 hours. Then I got to start on the porch. We were about to paint the trim, when we opened the gallon of paint up and found that is was purple. I about had a heart attack. So we had to call it quits for the night and wait to go to the paint store the next day. The next day we had to work fast becuase I had no idea when the girls would be home from Grandma's. The house was all completed by about 3pm that Sunday. I was so relieved. Todd did all the touch ups around lights and such, we ripped off all the paper. Went out to the street.......
And let out a huge sigh!! We were done!
I am thinking we need to trim out the garage with the trim to make it pop a little more. It kinda looks like it is missing something over there. But that can wait. I dont wont to pick up a paint brush for at least a month. And then it will be for painting Dunkin's room! So it is possible to paint a house in two days!! Thanks to the three men in my life who start a project and finish it!! Love ya!