We headed on downtown Portland after lunch.. We jumped on the max to ride fairless square with the girls.. they have never been on max before... They enjoyed it. Eva loved standing up on the way back.
Monday, September 29, 2008
We headed on downtown Portland after lunch.. We jumped on the max to ride fairless square with the girls.. they have never been on max before... They enjoyed it. Eva loved standing up on the way back.
Saturday market
They both got to have there face painted..
This would be a before picture.. in about 5 seconds Kia splashes the entire back of the lady in blue.. She needed to cool off I guess!! LOL
All in all it was a great day spent with Grandma..
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Potty training. Kinda..
Scholastic book order
Vacation to Lake Tahoe.
Stick girls. They did not get to drag the sticks home to oregon but they did get to bring home some HUGE pine cones.. I see some kind of craft for turkey day coming up!! :)
Lake Tahoe
Ok.. so she was jumping and running at the same time.. you can see where this is going.. LOL
And in she went.. No towel.. No nothing to dry her off with.. The mile hike up the mountain dried her off.. :)
Lake Tahoe
Packing up to go home!! We had a 15 hour dive ahead of us.. And we made it all the way home to Lafayette that night!!
On our way out we stopped on the road and had to take a picture of the "forever" burning tourch.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Learning to write..
It is amazing to me how fast she picks up on things when she puts her mind to them.
So we are off on vacation tomorrow.. We are pretty much packed and ready to go.. Eva has preschool tomorrow and then we are off. Wish us luck on our 14 hour drive!! :) In one day!! See you all when we get back.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Still some Summer left!
Today will be the very last day for them to swim... Tonight... we start the draining process! I am sure they will be sad.. But I on the other hand will NOT be!! It takes a lot to keep a pool clean!! Next year we get a clorinator!!!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Eva's first day of Preschool

What a great first day of Preschool. I can't believe my baby girl is going to school. Time goes by way to fast.
Eva's First Day of Preschool.
Go down to the bottom of the page and pause my blog music.. You need to hear the song playing with the Video I made!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
I can't wait for MOPS to start!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Oregon State Fair 2008
Then Grandma and Eva went riding across the fairgrounds on the lift they have there. Kia, Todd and I met them on the other side.
Had to put this picture in..Her Unlce Larry will be so proud of her.. (he used to own a python. A very big python named Babe!) Dont worry I grabbed her hand right before she was able to touch the snakes head.. but she was able to touch the body of the snake several times.. This is actually an albino Python.
We ended the fair by seeing the miniature horses. All in all, we spent 6 hours at the fair and it was a great day.. NO!! melt downs. I was so very proud of the girls. Kia did not get a nap. I thought for sure she would just pass out in the truck. Nope.. not a chance, Grandma was back there and she was not going to miss a thing. We went through McD's and got dinner for Grandma and the girls, went home and Grandma said, "Go out". :) So Todd and I went out on a date!! The girls fell asleep at 7:30. I was very shocked they made it that long. Todd and I went out to dinner at Hotel Oregon and went to the movies. It was a WONDERFUL day!