Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Let the fun begin..

At the beginning of spring break Eva had been asking to have a sleep over.. I had no clue where she even got the idea or how she knew about sleep overs. But I said yes.. We decided each girl could invite one girl. Right away they chose Kyla and Ainsley. Then they started listing off about 6 others.. wait a minute.. hold on.. just one each. Later I will brave a bigger slumber party.

As soon as the girls arrived we took off for a walk to the local school playground to get some fresh air. It was such a nice day. The girls had a ton of fun.


And of course we had to stop and pick up Acorns to bring back to my house.. My girls are obsessed with these things.

This was them making their silliest faces in front of the school.
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Slumber Party

What is a slumber party with out some treats. I found these in the Hello Cupcake book I have and had to make them for the girls. Each one had there own to look like them.. Ok kinda look like them.. Ok.. so they have the correct hair color!! LOL

And yes, I made them eat dinner first.. I know the other mom's would appreciate that..

And yes.. they got to watch a little bit of a movie while they ate.. :)

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We decided since it was so nice to light the fire pit. Everyone enjoyed roasting marshmallows.



Then by 8:30 pm it was ready to move inside and get ready for a movie.. Bath first.. It was very funny to see 4 girls trying to squeeze into our bath tub.

All eyes on the movie.. and one little girl who asked a LOT of questions... wow.. did not know she could talk that much.. LOL
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Slumber party

The younger girls decided the beds would suit them better. They were really tired after the movie (Planet 51) Very cute movie. So off to bed with a few story's read to them. They were out before I knew it. Sweet!



The older girls decided to watch another movie. Eva fell asleep about 11pm.. And you can see in this picture, Kyla still has her eyes open.. I was amazed.. But the movie got turned off at 11:15 and she closed her eyes.

All was quiet in the Brandon's home!! And Todd and I were sooo ready for bed.
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Slumber Party Pics

What else would we have for breakfast but pancakes with M n M's in them.. My all time favorite to make for my girls.


One last craft before the party is over. They all did super with coloring their princesses

We ended our day with more playing outside.. It was such a nice morning and the girls could not wait to get back outside to play. Still have not been able to find A's socks..

The girls can not wait to have another Slumber Party..
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Friday, March 26, 2010

So it begins..

O-Boy... I am so not ready for this.. It was a beautiful saturday and we were all outside enjoying the sun. Building our planters for the summer. I cant wait to get stuff planted. Jax loved being out in the sun. He loved playing with the grass.



Planters are done!
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

St. Patty's Day

We went to the party at Tiny Tots. The girls enjoyed decorating their own cookies and playing with all the kids.



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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

We're havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave..

For Oregon that is.. Anytime it gets over 50 and somewhat sunny my girls think it is summer! This would be day two of playing in the mud. I was sitting in the office working on the computer and I hear... Jolina... Get your camera! And this is what I find..


She must be practicing incase she takes a trip to the Amazon rain forest.

My girls are just plain crazy. Now I did not have my camera in hand when Eva got on top of the play house and danced around.. I wonder what my neighbors think of my girls!!
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Fun in the Mud.

They are out there 10 minutes and Eva has to go pee!! Guess what.. there was no way she was coming inside my house with mud everwhere.. So I did what any great mom would do. I told her to go pee in the grass!! LOL

And ofcourse.. Monkey see Monkey do!


Kia made a friend for life.
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