Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Grandpa Mac

Ok. Grandpa Mac... Here are your updates :) I know I have been slacking in the blogging department.. Your first (almost born) grandson is to blame.. I am always so very tired..

The girls miss you a ton.. When are you going to come and visit?? :)

enjoy the updates.


Every year Todds work puts on an easter hunt for the employees.. They do a great job.. The kids get to play several games and the actual easter egg hunt is done very well. All the kids walk away with a ton of eggs.
Ok.. so Kia still a little scarred of big furry things!!
But she has the easter egg hunting down to a science.
Eva this year was off and running with the older kids.. She made out!
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Something new

During one of my Dr's appointments Kelly was nice enough to watch the girls.. when I came to pick them up there were on the trampoline.. Having way to much fun..

My girls have no fear!!
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Ok.. So I have never really had a lot of cravings during pregnancy.. Well this baby boy must love pickles.. Cause this is a Costco size jar and I have almost eaten them all!! Of course the girls have helped my out a lot.. Everytime I get the jar out they are running to get one too!!
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Finally!! The fire pit has FIRE!!

We finally!!! Finally got the fire brick we have been needing to lite this thing up.. So we invited some friends for a s'more making evening.

Everyone got their fill of marshmellows and chocolate.
Once it got a little dark and cold it was great to have the fire up and running. And the best part.. The fire pit did not explode!! Yea...
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Self Torture!!

I say Self Torture cause every year I try and try tomato plants and never get much off of them.. 5 at the most.. So this year I have decided to move from where I usually have them.. I cracked open the miracle grow.. and we shall see if I get these puppies to grow big or not. This WILL be my last year if they do not produce.. I will just go and raid Jenny's garden if all else fails.. LOL

ofcourse I have cukes.. now those I can grow! I have three slicers and 6 lemon.. Ok.. so I did planted the lemon to early.. or the plastic covers I left on for three days did them in!! My memory is shot with this pregnancy.. I forgot to go pull the plastic covers off (to keep the frost off of them at night) last week and well.. my lemon cukes are toast.. so off to Wilco I will go later this week to get more..

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grandpa's visit

While he was here we went to the local feed store in Mac for their baby animal days.. They had baby sheep and goats out side with a miniature pony. Inside they had small animals for the kids to pet.
We also got to make a bird house and got bird seed to put in it.
Boy she is lethal with a hammer in her hand.. I kept my fingers way out of the way.. They both got to hammer the nails in to complete it. It turned out great and is in the back yard as we speak. When we got home they decorated it with stickers.

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Grandpa's Visit

Grandpa Art came to visit this last weekend. Too bad we were all feeling sick! But we still had a good time.. He came with the girls christmas present that he has been working on.. It was well worth the wait. They both got cradles for their dolls. He even carved out wood to spell their names on them.
And ofcourse at the foot of the cradle is a beautiful dragonfly!
It rocks and everything.. I have to watch Kia with hers.. She thinks it is for her to lay in! Too funny
He also completed our table that he made with two more chairs.. again with their names on them. Now when we have friends over they can all sit at their table.
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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Break 09

We started our spring break fun on Tuesday with a trip to PUMP it up with Auntie KC. The girls loved it. Eva more so than Kia.
Kia would go only if Kc or I went with her.
Eva was everywhere. She did all the blow ups.

What a great start to spring break week!
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spring break... suprise for Eva

Well after pump it up we went and picked up the "boys" and headed to the mall. I had been wanting to surprise Eva with getting her ears pierced for awhile. I was three when I got mine. So today was a good day to do it.
We were lucky they had two people on staff to do it at the same time. (or it would not have been done that day)
The pain only lasted a minute if that.
She was quick to look in the mirror and see her new earings.
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Spring Break 09

Wednesday brought us to Chucky cheese's. We met a few of our MOPS moms there and the kids played and played. My camera did not like the lights in here. Plus it was my point and shoot.. Time to get another purse camera!!

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spring break 09

On thurs day of spring break week we went to Oaks Park with KC and the boys . The girls loved everything there was to do there.

Eva got to ride some of the "bigger" rides.. Scarred me to death. But I knew Dokato would hold on to her tight.. Plus when she went to stand at the sign that says if you are tall enough to ride it.. well crap.. she was!!
this is my favorite picture!! This roller coaster went fast!
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