Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sickies at the Brandon's

The sickness that has been going around hit our house this month with a vengeance. Kia has been sick the longest. I got it next and with being pregnant it has been very hard for me to shake it. Todd got for a very short time. He was able to take meds to get rid of it fast. Eva was the last to get it, but it does not seem too bad. I am not a tea drinker, but when I am sick (to try to avoid ear infections) I start drinking it all day long. I get the non-caff. kind so I can drink it all day! A few days ago Kia tried some and now everytime she sees I am heating up water she is ready to have some. I now make two cups at a time, or she will drink all of mine!

Hopefully by the end of the week we will all feel 100% better!!
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