Thursday, July 29, 2010

JD first hair cut

Ok.. so it was waaaaay past time for a hair cut for my boy! We were finally over in Willsonville and stopped in at Whipper Snappers. Great place. No one there at that time of day so Jax had them all to himself. We sat him down in the Red sportscar and she went to work. He had no problem. I am shocked she managed to do it though. He kept looking around and around. Finally I held his head to get the back done with the clippers. He did not seem to mind the clippers at all. (thank god)

Handsome little boy!
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Trusting Dragonfly

We went marion berry picking a few weeks ago and we ran into a big dragonfly. It stayed around us for some time. Once I brought the girls attention to it, they could not stop bugging it. :) But boy did it trust these two little girls. It was amazing. I was waiting for it to land right into Eva's hands. But it just sat there quietly watching both these little girls talk to it.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Eva's 5 year pictures

Needed to do Eva's 5 year old pic's, so I decided to get them done at the beach. Thank goodness there was now wind that morning and it was just warm enough for her to be in the dress.. I cant decided which ones I like best. I do love black and white. But I love the color of her dress!! I cant believe I have a 5 year old little girl. Next is school. She is growing up way to fast!

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It's official.

WE have a bike rider!! With no training wheels. Congrats Eva. It did not take long. About 5 days of practice. One closeline by a tree limb. But Eva is tough. She got right back on. She got the riding part down fast.. it was the starting off part that took the longest. She had to get that part down before we went camping in order to ride her bike.

This would be at the camp ground. She did a great job. Even though she crashed twice taking a tight turn, she got right back on and took off!
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He is facing forward.

Jax is now facing forward. A few weeks we decided it was time. He is big enough and well,,, he was ready. He loves looking forward now and loves having is sisters next to him.. (75% of the time) LOL (that is,, when Kia keeps her hands to herself. )

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And so it begins... As he gets more mobile, he is wanting to check everything out. He figured out how to get the one cabinet open. The only one he can get open. :)

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Zoey Turn's 6.

We always spend Zoey's birthday as a family. Todd took the day off and we headed of to see the movie "Toy Story 3" It was a great start to a great day. After we got out of the movies we headed on over to the Wilsonville water fountains. This was J.D.'s first visit there. And he loved it. We could not have asked for a better day then this day. Perfect weather, tons of laughter, smiling faces and talking about their sister Zoey!

We love and miss you every day!
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Zoey's Day

It was the perfect day to be at these fountains. The water was just warm enough. Jax really loved it. And as always Eva and Kiara loved it too. They have been here many times.

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Zoey's Day

After the Fountains we headed home for dinner and cupcakes. The girls got to help me make the dessert. I got out all my decorating candies and they went to work making dragonfly's. They took their time and did a great job.

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Zoey's Day

We ended the evening with a balloon release. It was a GREAT day!

Happy Birthday sweet baby girl of mine!
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tired baby boy!

JD had gotten up early this day. Like 5am with me. By the time it was my shower time. around 8am (T was home for the day) He was getting fussy so I put him in the Johnny jump up while I hopped in. I finished to this... he was out like a light. This boy can sleep anywhere!



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