Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Lynn hosted a Moms Night Out last week. We made picture boards.. Thanks lynn for hosting.. The boards turned out soo cute.. and they were easy and fun to make!

Of course Jax's was done to match his room.

Amy did one for her bedroom.. and Tina did two for both of her kids..

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Monday, April 26, 2010


a few weeks ago Eva twisted her ankle really bad. Off to the Dr. the next day. Her first x-rays were done to see if there was a break. Nope.. But she had to wear this brace for two weeks. ahhhhhh they should have just casted her up. It would have been easier then a brace!




she is all better now!!
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The pincher grasp achieved!


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Eva and Jax

This would be why he is not in his own room yet!! Sister would sleep with him any chance she got!

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

When Saying Goodbye Means Hello.

When we had Zoey almost 6 years ago we were given a book entitled, "When Saying Hello Means Goodbye". The title has always saddened my heart. When we had Jax, we decided that Zoey's and Eva's room would become his.... Eventually...

It still catches me off guard when another phase of grief approaches. At first I ignore it, push it to the back of my mind. But eventually it consumes me. Gearing up to re-do this room was just that. Eight months of preparing for this change. That morning was hard. But after crying it out and talking with the one person I should have been talking to the entire time but wasn't, I was ready...

Ready to once again, say Goodbye to the dreams that once were, dreams of rocking Zoey to sleep, playing with her on the floor of her room, listening to her giggle, watching her smile and hearing her say those four precious words, I love you mommy.

but also ready...

Ready and excited to say Hello to the hopes and dreams that have already become.

Welcome to Jax's Room.




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J.D's Room

Jax waiting and watching...



Along with this on the wall, (thanks to a friend giving us the idea) We also wrote notes on the top of the shelf around the room. To be added to from time to time to all of our children.
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